Lymbyc Systm

...the cool winds creep in today as autumn poises itself to finally take seasonal hold. Without a doubt, this is our favorite time of year and we relish the shift toward a more subdued climate. In turn, we tend to drift toward moodier music this time of year, and the new sounds from sibling duo Lymbyc Systm arrived a little early as what we can only take as an indicator of things to come. The duo are currently on tour with The Books and their new album, Shutter Release, is due November 3 on Mush Records. As propulsive drums are wound up in sheets of sonic sweetness and bombastic guitars, the resulting canvas suggests the imminent wintry midwestern landscapes...
MP3: Lymbyc Systm "Ghost Clock"
09/17 Columbus, OH Wexner Center *
09/18 Grand Rapids, MI Calvin College *
09/19 Urbana, IL Pygmalion Festival *#
09/20 St. Louis, MO The Luminary Center For The Arts *
09/25 Charlottesville, VA The Southern *
09/26 Princeton, NJ Terrace F. Club *
* = w/ The Books
# = w/ Iron & Wine
Labels: Lymbyc System, Mush Records
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