The High Strung/The Goody Two Shoes/The Teeth/Mascot @ Nite Owl 11.23.07
...despite the cold and a slow start to the evening, by the end of Mascot's set, the crowd had gathered and was primed for the second band of the evening, The Teeth. Out on tour from Philadelphia with Park the Van Records labelmates, The High Strung, The Teeth hit the stage with a sense of purpose to win over every audient in the room. From our perspective, mission accomplished. Their high-octane vintage-flavored indie rock seemed to find its way into every ear in the room and by the end of their set they had won over virtually every non-believer...

...taking the stage next was local garage practitioners, The Goody Two Shoes. Although we had not been entirely impressed with previous outings, the band seems to be gelling and getting their sound together. This was definitely the best we'd seen them, as guitarist/vocalist C.J. brought her trademark stage presence in spades...

...closing out the evening was one of the hardest working bands out right now, The High Strung. Coming down from Detroit, the band seemed to have a stronger flirtation with the British Isles than the Motor City. As one chiming chorus after another whizzed by under attack from an endless stream of virtuostic bass runs and rollicking drum fills, the band made a strong case for why they could be one of the best bands in the modern cannon....(we apologize for the lack of visuals accompanying the High Strung set. Technical difficulties...)

All photos of The Goody Two Shoes by Marla Bremer
Labels: Goody Two Shoes, Mascot, Nite Owl, The High Strung, The Teeth
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