Toads & Mice/The Receiver/Of Brothers and the Bear @ The Pearl 11.30.07
...upon arriving at the Pearl last evening, it was good to see that a number of people in Daytonia shared our sentiment that it had been a quiet week and that the only solution was to get out and see this fantastic bill...
...despite the advertised start time of 8 pm (seriously, when does any show start when it says it will???), we were fortunate to roll in just before Of Brothers and the Bear began. Having seen these youngsters several times over the last year in a number of settings, we can only conclude that this is most certainly one of the most ambitious, infectious, and overall promising young bands playing in Dayton at the moment. With their sonic scope extending out into Modest Mouse/Broken Social Scene/70s prog territory, but retaining the instantly recognizable pop sensibility of The Strokes, these kids get under your skin and stay there. So much so that we actually had beer spilled on us as one audient attempted to share his enthusiasm for the band.... they carted in enough equipment for a band three times their numbers, the duo The Receiver, graciously in from Columbus, only hinted at the ways in which they were to employ modern technology to stunning effect. As the pair launched into their set, performing live on bass and drums to pre-recorded tracks on their laptop, it become apparent to the crowd that The Receiver came to play. Their subdued and understated manner reflected the focus the band shared as they zeroed in on the material, seamlessly locking in with the pre-recorded tracks and still delivering a humanness in their performance. As one incredible melody after another floated by, we were left somewhat stunned... if the evening couldn't improve, in their moment of celebration for the release of their debut, self-titled album, Toads & Mice truly captivated the audience and delivered an impeccable, yet passionate, set. Although the crowd had been somewhat stand-offish earlier in the evening, all pretense and posturing vanished as the band's inescapable pull drew in the crowd close, allowing the band to feed off the enthusiasm and heighten their own excitement in turn. Performing album highlights "Ghengis Kahn" and "Skull", the band demonstrated their ability to flawlessly replicate the complex arrangements with incredible accuracy and still deliver an inspired performance. Having been the first time seeing T&M live, we are thoroughly convinced these guys are the real deal. Truly, this was one of the best shows we've seen this year...

For more photos from the evening, go here...
Labels: Of Brothers and the Bear, Pearl Niteclub, The Receiver, Toads and Mice
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