...as far as we're concerned this was one of the best year's for local releases in a very long time. We heard a lot of music here at The Buddha Den, and here's what we're calling the cream of the crop....
5. The Northwest Ordinance State of Ohio These guys are just so Ohio it's almost like a bad joke: four guys from big Ohio cities converge in Dayton, meld their record collections and love of vintage garage and punk, and hey it's The Northwest Ordinance. This is just such a savory slab of guttural rock n' roll goodness that made it's way onto our speakers constantly this year. From their straightforward buzzsaw grind to their unsettling lurch, if this one doesn't make you jump around in yr house, you have no soul...
4. My Latex Brain Good Is Dead My Latex Brain have been at this for nearly a decade at this point, and it's respective members have been in the Dayton music for even longer. What's so amazing is how
Good Is Dead obliterates any so-called theory about how this is a young man's game. From Hoops' insightful stabs at...well...pretty much the entire Establishment...boiling over top of the incessant grind of drummer Roger Owsley and bassist Chris Corn, this is band at the absolute top of their game...
3. Jordan Hull Jordan Hull We could easily ramble on about his age or his similarities to certain singer/songwriters from the 60s, but that would be a complete waste of time. What's important here is that you realize the burgeoning talent that is Jordan Hull and get on board now. With a debut this strong, it's hard to imagine what might be around the corner for Jordan Hull...
2. Captain of Industry The Bronze On this the band's third album, Captain of Industry honed their indie-prog into an exceptionally potent brew on
The Bronze. Whether dipping into dreamy indie-pop or blasting out labyrinthe-like amalgamations, COI remains one of Dayton's finest....
1. Andrew & the Pretty Punchers Goodbye Ohio Perhaps the biggest surprise in the Dayton music scene this year was the meteoric rise of Andrew & the Pretty Punchers. We first caught them late in 07, without a bass player, but by mid-year the band found its stride and just took off with it. With their debut hashed out in a matter of days, the disc captures the intensity of the band's live show and frames the songwriting of Andrew Smith perfectly. Sure, it's not an overly-polished gem, but that's why we love it...
BUY IT!...well kids, that's what we thought. Let's hear what you have to say....
...in the next few days we'll be introducing some new writers for The Buddha Den with year-end lists as well. Be sure to stay tuned to The Buddha Den for everything you wanted to know about the Dayton music scene and more but were afraid to ask...