The Buddha Den

Everything you wanted to know about the Dayton music scene and more but were afraid to ask

Thursday, July 31, 2008

The Buddha Den on WOXY's Local Lixx-Tonight

...unless case you've been off the planet have probably heard about the iconic radio station WOXY. You may have also heard of their program Local Lixx which features the best music from southwestern Ohio. Well, The Buddha Den has been invited to host a program as part of their Friends of The Futurist series which will feature the music of Dayton tonight. The program will air live from 8-9 PM and will also be available as a podcast for more convenient listening. You can tune in online here and grab said podcast here. Be sure to tune in...

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Fab Gear Presents: Brian Hoeflich & the All-Nighters/Thee Pistol Whips/Electric Banana/Boombarian-Tonight @ Pearl

...the good kids at Fab Gear are serving up yet another excellent Thursday night dish for you tonight at Pearl. Head on down to dig the surf/garage of Brian Hoeflich & the All-Nighters, the go-go garage of Thee Pistol Whips, metal/disco duo Electric Banana (highly recommended), and the primal punk of Boombarian...

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Wednesday, July 30, 2008

PROFILE: Yndi Halda

...with the recent release of their debut disc Enjoy Eternal Bliss, Yndi Halda are starting to make waves in the US. Hailing from Canterbury, England, the band are currently out on their first jaunt through the US, with a tour stop in Dayton scheduled for this Sunday, August 3. Guitarist/vocalist James Vella recently took time to speak with The Buddha Den about their schoolmate beginnings, musical growing pains, and the proposition of their first US tour...

The Buddha Den: Why don't we start by getting a little background on Yndi Halda. How long have you all known each other? How did the band come together? What musical interests brought you together?

James Vella: The band came together quite gradually and organically over a stretch of time; Jack, Olly and I have always played in bands together since we were children – we formed our first band when we 12 or 13 years old, which eventually became yndi halda when we were around 15. Daniel and Brendan have always been close friends of ours and it was only a few months after we started writing that they filled the “missing member” gaps.

The first band we worked on together was much more rock; we used to listen to a lot of Jeff Buckley and Radiohead, but we all accidentally discovered instrumental music (Labradford, Tortoise, Sigur Ros etc) around the same time and started writing different sorts of songs. More recently, though, we’ve been moving away from instrumental music and writing more pop-influenced pieces. Happily, like with other musical shifts in this band, it all seems to have happened unanimously without planning anything in advance.

TBD: Having worked on the material that appears on your debut Enjoy Eternal Bliss for nearly 3 years, how did the material come together? What sort of evolutions did the material and the band go through during that period? After spending so much time on the tracks, how did the band finally reach the conclusion that it was finished?

JV: I think the reason that record took so long was that we were so young when we wrote it, and the song-writing process was all very new for us. Also, we didn’t really have in mind that we were aiming for any specific project, like a record or anything, and so weren’t particularly pushed to finish up songs for a deadline. We still have some of the early versions of the songs from that record, and the evolution is really noticeable. Although we’re now writing new material that is a huge development of the Enjoy Eternal Bliss songs, I’m still really proud of that record – we all are – and I’m really happy with the creative decisions we made. Things like, for example, the vocals at the end of Dash and Blast, and the glockenspiel part in We Flood Empty Lakes were last minute additions to the songs, and now are among my favourite parts of the record.

The next album is going to be simultaneously easier and more difficult than the first, I think. We’re much more mature now, in terms of song-writing – we were teenagers when we started Enjoy Eternal Bliss – but it’s quite hard to write songs knowing that there are people listening, comparatively.

We always write for ourselves, rather than for an “audience”, because song-writing is just something that we as individuals do, but even so it’s a lot more pressure than the first record to have things finished within a certain timescale, and to fit songs into the “canon” of what we’ve done already and what we hope to do in the future.

TBD: While YH may easily fit into the "post-rock" category, how does the band view itself in terms of stylistics? What do you feel sets your band apart from other practitioners in that field?

JV: Honestly, we don’t really think of ourselves as a “post-rock” band. We’re aware that lots of people do, and it doesn’t bother us, but none of us are hugely into the bands that I associate with the genre. I think we’re a lot more optimistic-sounding than the bleakness that I feel surrounds “post-rock”.

Someone described us recently as “expansive, orchestral indie-rock”, which I think fits really nicely; I definitely like to think of our songs as representing each one of those adjectives.

TBD: Coming from Canterbury, England on your first US jaunt, how has the band prepared for the adventure? What sorts of expectations do you have of touring America? What can audiences expect from a YH performance?

JV: The preparations for this tour have been among the most time-consuming of every tour we’ve done so far! The visa applications especially, as well as finishing new songs and rehearsing with a stand-in violin player (Daniel wasn’t able to make this tour, unfortunately, but our good friend Oli is helping out).

We’ve heard a lot of stories about touring in the states, some of them good (that audiences are really appreciative and welcoming) and some of them terrifying (that the drives between shows take hours and hours). Touring is undoubtedly the best thing in the whole world, though, so we’re looking forward to everything.

We see ourselves as quite a different live band from the recorded material; we play a little louder and little rockier. Whereas in the studio we can spend time and thought on intricate textures and specific sounds, live we prefer to just have fun. We’ve yet to smash any instruments on stage (except by accident), but I’m finding it harder to resist the urge every show!

TBD: Is there anything else you would like our readers to know about YH?

JV: New songs coming soon! can catch Yndi Halda at Pearl this Sunday, August 3 as part of The Buddha Den Presents series, along with local flavor from Grizzzzy Bear, The Motel Beds, and Lungs...

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Datyon @ Warped Today

...if you're looking for something to do this afternoon, head on down to Riverbend Ampitheatre for the Vans Warped Tour where a pair Dayton favorites will be taking the stage. Punk mainstays The Story Changes (pictured above) will be taking the stage somewhere around 12:15 and industrial-thrash monsters My Latex Brain will be on sometime this afternoon...

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Tuesday, July 29, 2008

REVIEW: Andrew & the Pretty Punchers "Goodbye Ohio"

Andrew & the Pretty Punchers aren't out to reinvent the wheel. Rather, on their debut disc Goodbye Ohio, they mine the rich legacies of their forebearers and issue forth a collection that oscillates between the sentimental and the raucous. Throughout the disc, A&TPP offer meditations on the stark ennui of life in Dayton and the persistent desire for more, yet again and again reaching the conclusion that there is nowhere more they'd rather be than in the sleepy midwestern city they call home.

Under the guidance of Captain of Industry's John Lakes manning the machinery, A&TPP harness the energetic live show that has earned them a loyal following in Dayton. Clocking in just under the half-hour mark, Goodbye Ohio sets its tone from the start on "Our Modern Love" with a breezy folk vibe. With his sharp, yet inviting voice, Andy Smith paints images of Ohio, and Dayton in particular.

Smith's gritty sentimentality shines on "Our Modern Love" and "Owe Me", lining his simple love songs with a stinging pessimism. With a sympathetic ear seldom found on a debut disc, the rest of the Pretty Punchers — Greg Saluke (guitar/vocals), Kevin Rogers (lead guitar), Josh Wickersham (bass/vocals), and Mike Payne (drums)— shift between the delicate folk and the late-night barroom rockers that punctuate the disc. The melodic bass line of "Yr On Yr Own Now" flows right into Smith's searing vocals, echoing strains of The Decembrists and even Credence Clearwater Revival.

Far from being a snoozy affair, the infectious funk of "The Hangaround" and the relentlessly driving "Guns Raised", which builds into a woozy psychedlic slide guitar crescendo. Some of the rockers come off as rote midwestern rockers, however, such as the charming "Song for a Waitress", "Helluva Lot Colder", and "Skippin' Town. However, the latter's revelation that escape from small town America is best left to the imagination strikes at the core of Smith's themes.

One of the finest moments on the disc lies in the poetic wisdom of "Love Like the Child", as Smith declares: "Mind your health and drink like your dead/Your gift ain't waiting in heaven/Your gift ain't waiting nowhere". With this simple stroke, A&TPP at once embrace the hope and despair so prevalent in small towns throughout America. Closing out the disc, the title track emphasizes the band's acknowledgment that they are, and most likely will forever be, a band firmly rooted in the grim, yet brilliant, light of Dayton. For a band so young, it is rare to possess such a strong sense of purpose and to so eloquently embrace and express that ideal.


Human Reunion Video Shoot Canceled

...after reporting the announcement of their video shoot last week, The Human Reunion made this announcement over the weekend:

Due to forces beyond our control, we will not be able to film our music video at Blind Bob's Tavern this Wendnesday July 30th. Sorry to pre-maturaly get your panties in a bunch, but worry not, we will get together sometime real soon and lovingly hand smooth them for you. Keep your peepers peeped for new developments. Rubs and kisses, HR.

...we'll be sure to keep you informed as the situation unfolds...


Monday, July 28, 2008

The Luchagors/The Goody Two Shoes/The Northwest Ordinance/The Sics-Tonight @ Dayton Dirt Collective

...even though it's a Monday night, there's no reason to miss out on a great early show. Head on over to the Dayton Dirt Collective to catch the infectious punk of The Luchagors (from Atlanta), the garage/pop of The Goody Two Shoes, garage/punk faves The Northwest Ordinance, and the new old school punks, The Sics. Festivities start around 7, so you really have no excuse...

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The Buddha Den @ Forecastle 7.26.08 you may know, The Buddha Den was invited to this year's Forecastle festival in Louisville this past weekend. In addition to spreading the word about the blog and the Dayton music scene, a number of local bands were gracious enough to supply us with artifacts to give away to festivalgoers. We handed out over 350 copies of Dayton releases. Additionally, we made some great contacts with other cities that will hopefully further spread the word about our local scene...

...we'd also like to apologize for the lack of activity over the last few days. In addition to being in Louisville, we've also had severe technical difficulties here. We are pleased to report that we've made it through the storm and we will continue to report on everything you wanted to know about the Dayton music scene and more but were afraid to ask...


Friday, July 25, 2008

The Buddha Den Goes on the Road...

...after suffering through Internet connection issues, we at The Buddha Den are heading to Louisville this weekend as invited representatives at the 7th Annual Forecastle. With such diverse headliners as GZA, The Disco Biscuits, Ekoostik Hookah, Dr. Dog, and the Del McCoury Band, we will be there hosting a display tent where we will be giving away copies of The Buddha Den Summer Sampler, as well as plenty of CDs from various Dayton bands. If you know anyone down that way, please tell them to stop by and say hello. Hopefully, we'll be back in business sometime Monday, depending on when we can get some tech support on site. Stay tuned....


Thursday, July 24, 2008

8-Bit Revival/The Sound for Language-Tonight @ Dayton Dirt Collective

...if you feel like warming up yr weekend, head on over to Dayton Dirt Collective tonight where two of Dayton's finest will be serving it up. Indie mainstays 8-Bit Revival and indie punks The Sound for Language kick things off early at 7 pm. Don't forget kids, this is an all ages show...

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Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Human Reunion to shoot video @ Blind Bob's

...local electro-rock gurus The Human Reunion will be issuing their debut album, Arc de Square, this fall on Squids Eye Records. In anticipation of the release, the band plan to shoot a video next week. Here's the lowdown...

The Human Reunion will be filming our first music video on Wednesday the 30th at the new BLIND BOB'S TAVERN (formerly the night owl) and we want you to be in it. We need your warm and supple bodies to fill the room for shooting. All that will be required is for you to show up as the sun goes down, somewhere around 9:00 pm. Be prepared to alternately stand completely still and freak out like it's your job. This may take a while to get done so we will be providing FREE BEER to those with proper I.D. Come get your 15 minutes of fame on us, enjoy some free hooch, and see Dayton's newest bar and music venue before it opens. Hope to see you there. We'll be the ones with the camera.

Should be a good thing for the band and the new club. Get on down....

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The Story Changes, My Latex Brain @ Warped Tour

...over the last decade or so, the Vans Warped Tour has become a beacon of opportunity for burgeoning punk bands looking to break on through. This year, a pair of Dayton bands have made the cut and will be performing at the big show. Both The Story Changes and My Latex Brain will grace stages at the festival next Wednesday, July 30 at Cincinnati's Riverbend Ampitheatre. If you're willing to endure a day in the sun, head on down and represent... other news, The Story Changes have recently contributed an exclusive track, "I Remember", for a comp called the Good Times. The comp is out via the band's label, Future Destination Records, and is available now right here. The Story Changes also completed a video shoot last week for the track "Don't Fall" off of last year's album, The Way of the Dinosaur. According to the band, the clip prominently features the Gem City skyline and more. We'll keep you posted as to when and where you can check the clip...

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More Fictionband Chunkies... would appear as if the kids at Fictionband are hellbent on becoming a clearing house for Dayton's musical past. We aren't complaining. Today they offered up the final release from Montgomery Greene, the Ready By the Next Symbol EP. While the band was around for about 7 years, this final release from 2004 was arguably their best. Go grab the FREE DOWNLOAD HERE and see for yourself...

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Monday, July 21, 2008

Cigarhead Gets Chunked

...while we try to look ever-forward here at The Buddha Den, every so often we are given pause and take time to reflect on Dayton's rich musical legacy. More often than not, it's the fault of the kids over at Fictionband. Today they announced the fifth installment of their vault-mining Cut Little Chunkies series, offering up the Cigarhead album (put out on cassette no less!) by 12 x 12 Records. If you were unfortunate enough to miss this the first time around, consider Fictionband your guardian angel and grab this for FREE RIGHT HERE...

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Sunday, July 20, 2008

The Northwest Ordinance/Moutain Screamer @ Oregon Express 6.19.08

...while we may have shown up to the Oregon Express a few minutes later than planned, we figured we would at least catch some of the opening act. We also didn't expect the opening act to be the only out-of-town band on the bill, Church of the Red Museum. Apparently, there was some confusion as to who was to play when and the show started promptly at 10 PM, which from our experience never happens. Arriving at 10:35, we completely missed the first band. If you're planning to attend a show at OE in the near future, please make a of this as you may very well miss some of the show. To add insult to injury, we were told that COTRM were incredible. We hope to remedy this soon...

...after stewing on the fact we missed a band we truly wanted to catch, we settled in to check out Mountain Screamer for the first time. While their Myspace tracks suggest a rough, sludgy sound as evidenced on their track on The Buddha Den Summer Sampler, in live performance Mountain Screamer are a powerhouse of a duo. Taking cues from the blues-derived guitar/drum duo sect, these guys infuse their brand with a whole lot of punk, Sun Records-style country, and a whole lot of Crazy Horse. Drummer Tubba Bumps propels the duo with his incessant stomp, throwing in dance-punk rhythms and tasteful tambourine work. Although guitarist JP Magical might be a bit of a shoegazer at times, his huge, bluesy riffage is traced with a nice punk edge that keeps the band's sound from veering into retro pastiche. While the band's set may have run a little long on this night, we're officially declaring Mountain Screamer a must-see band...

...closing out the evening, we had one of our favorite locals, The Northwest Ordinance. On this night, the band tore through tracks off their State of Ohio disc, as well as a number of new tracks, with a rapid-fire fury that never gave the audience time to catch their breath. We found the band's distinctive blend of punk/garage/grunge at it's most raw, intense state last night as the band truly played as if they had something to prove. If you're still waiting to catch these guys, get on with it...

For more photos from the evening, go here...

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Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Northwest Ordinance/Church of the Red Museum/Mountain Screamer-Tonight @ Oregon Express

...after sweating out in the heat all day, head on down to Oregon Express this evening to catch a great bill of raunchy rock n' roll. One of our local faves The Northwest Ordinance headlines a bill that also includes Church of the Red Museum (indie/psyche/folk from Columbus) and up-and-coming sludge duo Mountain Screamer. There will be no mercy...

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Friday, July 18, 2008

Black Horse Wind/Bonneville/Frontier Folk Nebraska-Tonight @ Canal Street Tavern

...this nearly slipped under our radar, but we caught it at the last minute. In case you need more options for tonight, head over to Canal Street Tavern to catch the debut of Black Horse Wind (Tim Pritchard's post-Flyaway Minion excursion). Also on the bill are Bonneville and Frontier Folk Nebraska (from Cincinnati). Do what you must...

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On the River, In the Dirt...

...while Daytonia heats up, so does the rock. There's a pair of great shows on tap tonight...

...down at Riverscape this evening, Captain of Industry will perform as part of Five River Metroparks summer concert series. Music gets under way at 7:30 and it's completely free. You know what we've had to say lately about COI, so you're gonna wanna catch this one...

...just up a few blocks from the Great Miami River, the Dayton Dirt Collective is hosting a great bill. Local sludge gurus Marijuana Johnson headline along with Grizzzzy Bear and The Atlas Moth (from Chicago). With the club being so small, you may wanna be on time for this one...

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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Ladies and Architects....

...after a quiet week, we've got lots of big options for you tonight...

...if you're up for an early start, head over to the Dayton Dirt Collective, where there will be a benefit show for Ladyfest Dayton. Those lending their music to the cause this evening include Defiance, Ohio, Hospital Garden, Gem City Saints, Kanible, and Kristen. Proceedings get under way at 7, so plan accordingly...

...over at Pearl tonight, the good kids at Sarasvati Productions are putting on a good show you'll wanna catch. On tap you've got upstarts New Vega, The Last Priority (Oxnard, CA), Hot Box (Boston), and the ladies from Vanity Theft...

...if you wanna catch one of Dayton's finest on the eve of a new album and tour, head on down to Jimmie's Cornerstone tonight. Mouth of the Architect will headline an evening that includes Complete Failure (Pittsburgh) and Romance of the Young Tigers...

...make yr plans and watch this town come alive...

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

we're still here...

sorry we've been slow the last couple of days. we've been busy working on some big things here at The Buddha Den. Rest assured, we're still here doing everything we can to keep you abreast of everything that's happening in the Dayton music scene...

-The Buddha Den-

Sunday, July 13, 2008

The Story Changes/Stone the Mayor Sheriffs/My Latex Brain/Lumaera-Tonight @ Pearl

...on a rare Sunday evening at Pearl, The Story Changes will make a rare appearance in Dayton tonight. Also on the bill are Stone the Mayor Sheriffs, My Latex Brain, and Lumaera. Guaranteed, you won't get much more rock than this tonight...

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The Buddha Den Showcase Presents: Sitandance 7.12.08

...braving the sweltering heat and the intermittent thunderstorms, an impressive crowd gathered last evening to witness the fourth installment of The Buddha Den Showcase at South Park Tavern. This time around, we featured Sitandance, who turned in one of the most memorable sets we've ever seen at these events. Donning some of the shiniest costumes around, the band began the evening in a subdued, countrified manner with a handful of acoustic tunes including a tasteful cover of The Beatles' "I'm Only Sleeping". Once the band went full throttle into the electric material, however, the evening really took off. Sitandance's penchant for instantly recognizable melodies fused with inventive, experimental twists and turns throughout their arrangements held the audience rapt for the duration of the evening. As the band roved between instruments, filling up their arrangements with trumpet, violin, xylophone, and anything else they could find, the atmosphere was that of a symphony that simply could not find enough musicians to fill all the seats. Despite the deficiency in numbers, Sitandance is one of the most exciting newer bands coming up through Dayton at the moment. Adding in their flair for the vaudevillian element, certainly this was a show for the ages...

For more photos from the evening, go here.

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Saturday, July 12, 2008

The Buddha Den Showcase Presents: Sitandance-Tonight @ South Park Tavern

...yes, we're doing our showcase again this month over at South Park Tavern. This month we have the indie/freak-folk/soul of Sitandance. As always, music starts promptly at 9 PM, with a second set starting somewhere after 10:30. Remember, the show is FREE and ALL AGES. Come on down and check out who were talking about this month...

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Friday, July 11, 2008

Dirty Birds & Vampires

...for once we have a couple of good options for you on a Friday night. Check it out...

...we've got a live one over at the Dayton Dirt Collective tonight. The Goody Two Shoes have been hitting a stride lately and are headlining the bill this evening that also includes noise-poppers The Gluons, the garage-psyche of Scott Deadelus, and the provocative, yet elusive, Revampire...

...over at Gilly's, Sleepybird will join forces with The Zoot Theatre Company to present The Flight of Wigglebird. Also on the bill is Toads and Mice. Should be an interesting evening. Make yr plans, chart a course, and head on out...

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Thursday, July 10, 2008

Heavy Echos

...if yr up for getting out tonight, you've got a couple of good options...

...the good folks over at Fab Gear are bringing you a special night tonight of Heavy Hitters tonight at Pearl. The bill includes Electric Smoke, The Vectors, and Reaper. In addition, members of the bands will be spinning some of their favorite tracks...

...if yr feeling a bit more subdued, head over to the cozy confines of South Park Tavern for the triumphant return of Echos Dayton. After spending a couple of months out near Wright State, the Echos Dayton kids are bringing their event back with a bang. In addition to the writer's workshop (starts at 8) and the numerous poets, music this evening will be provided by none other than the one-two punch of Scott Deadelus and The Gluons. You know yr ready for this...

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Wednesday, July 09, 2008

The Interiors-s/t

With current indie trends steering perilously toward vintage synth abuse and neon revival, it's suddenly more difficult to find a band that simply writes good rock songs. In the case of Chicago's The Interiors, you will find little in the way of unnecessary artifice. The trio embraces the spartan ethos of a trio to great effect on their debut disc The Interiors (54-40 Or Fight Records).

Although the band may only be three (guitarist/vocalist Chase Duncan, bassist Collin Jordan, and drummer Brian Lubinsky), the group's ability to delicately manage the space yields incredibly complex arrangements while still retaining an impeccable gift of melody and songcraft. From the opening guitar stabs of "I'm So Happy", The Interiors effortlessly fuse an earthy soul into a post-punk mathy-ness that recalls R.E.M., Fugazi, Kings of Leon, and even traces of Afrobeat while never losing their own identity.

Throughout the disc, Duncan's ability to trace his vocal melodies with his spiky, sonorous guitar lines largely defines the band's sound. While Lubinsky pounds out extended geometric equations, Jordan's bass lines run a go-between as he intermittently punctuates the tracks with deftly placed melodic runs. Taken together, these seemingly disparate elements unify into a stunningly minimalist construct. See tracks like "The Bug" and the chilling tension of "A Crooked Line" for further evidence of this. On the frantic indie gem "Ghosts", doses of Peter Buck's IRS-era guitar work propel the song. Perhaps the only misstep on the disc is the country-fried rave-up of "Shooting Off", which simply comes off as mere pastiche.

One of The Interiors' greatest strengths lies in their ability to reside in quiet spaces with confidence. The band does not embrace the "loud-quiet-loud" notion, preferring instead to hold songs at bay for their duration, the resultant effect of unsettled tension, as on album closer "All The Cities", surely being the desired end. Duncan & co. are just as effective on the anthemic "Powerlines" which may very well be the best track on the album.

What The Interiors lack in hipster cache, they more than make up for with instantly classic songs. In a musical climate that seems to move through trends like ADD-lightning, The Interiors have created a sonic palette which may very well endure such trifling tastes.

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Monday, July 07, 2008

The Captain In Motion local heroes Captain of Industry set out on tour to support their new album, The Bronze, they kinda stole our thunder. Well, kinda. Yep, they started a blog. Granted, it's a tour blog. About their current tour. Head over to Plastique Bones and see what happens when five Daytonians attack the East Coast. Also, if you wanna know what one of them eats while engaging in tour, check out I Crushed This. You can also head over to their Myspace and dig a couple of live tracks recorded in NYC on this tour: a cover of Deerhoof's "The Perfect Me" and "It Might Be Me" from the band's debut, ! Enjoy...


JonBenet Sasquatch/The Revulvas/Jasper the Colossal/Bommbarian-Tonight @ Dayton Dirt Collective celebration of nobody's birthday, head on down to the Dayton Dirt Collective tonight for a nice raucous show. You've JonBenet Sasquatch (from Bloomington,IN), The Revulvas (from Columbus), as well as Daytonian upstarts Jasper the Colossal and Boombarian. Action starts at 7, so don't be late...

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Saturday, July 05, 2008

Andrew & the Pretty Punchers/The Seedy Seeds/Hospital Garden/The Judy Blooms-Tonight @ Oregon Express

...over at the Oregon Express tonight you've got an excellent bill. Andrew & the Pretty Punchers will headline the bill along with The Seedy Seeds (Cincinnati), Hospital Garden, and The Judy Blooms. We'll see ya there...

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Thee Pistol Whips/Wild & Free/Jake Giesige @ Therapy Cafe & Accidently On Purpose/Lollipop Factory @ Canal Street Tavern

...after our fill of fireworks and such, we headed down to Therapy Cafe to check out couple of old bandmates in their new settings. We walked in to catch ex-patriate Jake Giesige (currently of The Judy Blooms) doing a last-minute solo acoustic set. Although stripped down, Giesige's songs were certainly more than strong enough to handle the exposure. Playing a number of old Wild & Free songs, as well as newer songs like "Meg, You're Starting to Slip", Giesige did not disappoint. As his set wound down and rumors abounded of an impromptu reunion, he called up his old mates from Wild & Free. Tearing through four songs off their disc Andiamo, everyone was reminded what a loss that band truly was. Alas, we'll have to stand patiently and wait for Giesige to chart his next course... up was another Wild & Free alumni, GT, and his new band Thee Pistol Whips. With an apparent affinity for the Nuggets era, the band continues to wave the flag for garage rock purity. Complete with a trio of go-go dancing singers, Thee Pistol Whips strive towards the raunch that launched a thousand bands. We'll have to wait and see for now if they can deliver on that promise... this point in the evening, we switched venues and rolled over to Canal Street Tavern to try and catch the dual CD release presented by the new local label, Consumer Value Deluxe Records. Sadly, we missed the debut of The Whathaveya, but reports confirmed our suspicions that is a serious new force of rock n' roll in Dayton. Shortly after our arrival, Lollipop Factory from Columbus kicked into gear. On the second day of a six-week tour, the band was full of fire. Strutting and slashing the stage, the glammed-out duo sounded like QOTSA had gone on a blistering bender of nothing but Queen and early Bowie. Not only was the sound incredible, but Lollipop Factory also understand the value of stage presence. The pair posed and pouted and paraded across the CST stage as if they had been born there. We're hoping for a return visit soon...

...closing out the evening was a revamped Accidently On Purpose. Celebrating the release of their Miminari EP, the band turned in a blistering set. With Greta Smak prowling the stage as if some unknown force were threatening to take it from her at any minute, the rest of the band backed her up with interminable ferocity. Even an ill-timed bass string breakage was not enough to slow AOP down on this night...

...for more photos from the evening, go here. Black & white photography by Marla Bremer.

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Friday, July 04, 2008

Happy Birthday, L'America!

...while many Americans celebrate the revolution with hot dogs and sparklers, we celebrate it with rock n' roll. Here's a couple of options for ya...

...head on down to Canal Street Tavern for special dual CD release show, courtesy of the newly-established Consumer Value Deluxe Records. The no-frills rock n' roll of The Whathaveya will make their debut this evening as they release their opening salvo, The Whayhaveya Explodes! Alterna-grungers Accidently On Purpose will issue their Miminari EP, which we featured a track off on The Buddha Den Summer Sampler 08. Also on the bill will be the glammed-out grind of Columbus' Lollipop Factory who are in the early stages of an extended Midwest tour...

...over at Therapy Cafe this evening, garage upstarts Thee Pistol Whips will be hosting a free show that will also feature Andy Smith (of Andrew & the Pretty Punchers), as well as Jake Giesgige (of The Judy Blooms) who is back in Dayton for a short time. Head on down and see what these guys are up to...

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