INTERVIEW: The Breeders (Part 4 of 5)
...we've been getting some good feedback from our interview with The Breeders, so thank you all very much for reading. We know there's a lot of information in here, so take all the time you need to digest it. It's not going anywhere. So, without, futher ado, we now present Part 4 of The Buddha Den Interview with The Breeders....
TBD: It’s one of those things. I saw you guys at Bogart’s in ’93 and it was the first shows I ever went to, because I didn’t know about big shows. I saw the show and I didn’t know anything about encores. I was going to International College of Broadcasting at the time and my teacher, Dennis Mutter [from the Alternative Edge video program], he asked me what I thought of “Happiness Is a Warm Gun”. I didn’t hear it because I had left.
Kim: That’s so cute you didn’t know. That sounds like me. Did you ever go to any of those shows at Hara Arena and see any of those bands? Maybe that was too far north for you guys…
TBD: The only thing I really saw there was Phish. I was really into jam bands for a while…
Kim: Really?
TBD: I got tickets the last minute, the day of the show…
Kim: What year is this?
TBD: Late 94. It had sold out but they opened floor tickets the day of the show. All my buddies had bleacher seats. We got there two hours early to hang out in the lot…
Kelly: You know, hang out in the lot…
TBD: Right. There’s nobody there, so we go in and we’re on the floor and we’re front row. They opened with “Helter Skelter”.
Kim: Oh wow! That’s weird.
TBD: They had just done the White Album for Halloween that year.
Kelly: That’s a lot of work.
Kim: It is, isn’t it?
TBD: It wasn’t like they just covered it, they rearranged…
Kelly: That’s neat.
TBD: So yeah, that’s the only show I saw at Hara Arena. I found out later, ‘What do mean The Breeders and Guided By Voices played at Hara Arena?’
Kim: Yeah yeah, and [The Afghan] Whigs and New Bomb Turks.
TBD: I have people that I know that that show. That’s a huge point of point of Dayton pride. That was something else I wanted to ask you guys about was your relationship with the Dayton music scene. As you were saying earlier, you’re from here and you would love to say [something]. How do you feel about your relationship with the Dayton music scene? Do you feel you’re part of it?
Kelly: I have real fond feeling about it. Like when we’re doing ATP, The Tasties are gonna be there. Heartless Bastards are gonna be there…
Kim: Times New Viking. But they’re Columbus…
Kelly: We saw Louie at the farmer’s market last Saturday.
Kim: Louie’s a superstar. Everybody knows Louie.
Kelly: So they’re gonna be there. It’s a big deal because Terry’s coming from Portland and Gale’s coming from Arizona and they gotta get together. I’m sure they’ve gotta relearn everything.
Kim: You know what? I’ll put a bet, Fifty bucks, that they can’t organize themselves overseas…Right now. Fifty bucks says they won’t make it overseas…
Kelly: Okay.
Kim: And I hope they do!
Kelly: We’re excited and we’re very hopeful that it’s gonna happen. You know, we did a cover of Guided By Voices’ “Shocker In Gloomtown”?
TBD: That was actually the first version I ever heard of the song. I had the Head to Toe EP. My teacher from ICB gave it to me. Somehow I lost it over the years…
Kelly: I don’t know if you ever saw the video, but you can YouTube it and there’s the GBV guys looking in the garage.
Kim: And we did a cover of a Tasties song. I can watch the TV and there’s this Pirate’s thrift store thing that comes on that has a Tasties song on the commercial. It’s so good. They’re a really good band. And they are not coming over to ATP…
Kelly: I have really warm feelings about Dayton.
TBD: Do you guys wear the Dayton badge with pride or is just sort of an incidental?
Kelly: I wear it. It means something to me. Does it mean something to the rest of the world? Hell no.
Kim: I like being from Dayton.
TBD: I think it’s a special place.
Kim: Yeah, me too.
TBD: It’s not flashy.
Kim: Not at all. They don’t care. They don’t not care, they’re not player haters, either.
TBD: It’s what you do.
Kim: Yeah, it is nice.
TBD: Speaking of All Tomorrow’s Parties, jumping around, you guys are curating. How did that come about to where you got to curate and how did you decide who to pick? I mean, Wire? Shellac? You guys picked some ace bands.
Kelly: There’s four of us, so we each get to pick some. We each sent in our wish list.
Kim: Yeah. There’s somebody that we told Barry Hoken to ixnay on one of Jose’s choices. Wouldn’t it be awful if we actually remembered their name? I know that Jose doesn’t know that we did this. Us talking about means that he’s gonna know that we interfered with his list. You can tell ‘em. You can tell ‘em that he’s not gonna have the Jazz Improv in 12/14 Time coming over that we’ve never heard of, instrumental craziness from Portland…
Kelly: But yeah, everybody just sent a wish list….
Kim: Mondo put in Gang of Four. I looked at that and just went, ‘You’ve got a lot of balls. They’re gonna do it?’ And they’re they’re like doin’ it! It’s incredible.
Kelly: And X?!? X?!?
Kim: I think I might’ve put that one in.
TBD: Now that’s in May? Mid-may?
Kim: May 15 through 16 and 17, yeah. Then we do…well, we do a festival in Spain on the 14th. Then we do after All Tomorrow’s Parties we go to Dublin, Ireland and play a show there. Then we go to Glasgow, Scotland and play two shows there. So that’s nice. Yeah. You don’t tend to see much…We’ve been there before and I’ve seen Dublin before, but this trip it sounds like we’re not gonna see much at all.
Kelly: No, because we get in Monday….
Kim: …and that’s a drag because the Scottish accent’s very attractive. I like that accent. Yes…
...see you all tomorrow for the exciting conclusion...
Labels: The Breeders